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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Session 226 - Managing Quality
2:00pm – 3:00pm

Avoid Product Outsourcing Pitfalls with Fact-Based Analysis

Robert Freid, President, Contract Manufacturing Consultants 

This session will cover: 
  • Outsourcing Pitfalls
  • Search & Selection Issues 
  • Contract Manufacturer Assessment Framework 
  • Cost Modeling & Landed Cost Analysis 
  • On-Site Survey Dashboard 
  • Quality Benchmarking of EMS Sites 
  • Business Risk Assessment 

Electronic Manufacturing Services

Avoid Product Outsourcing Pitfalls with Fact-Based Analysis

Selecting a electronic manufacturing services provider is not just another supply chain decision. It is a key strategic decision which will directly impact the original equipment manufacturer’s product cost position, time-to-market and industry reputation. There are many good outsourcing relationships; however, there is also considerable trial and error in selecting suitable contract manufacturers.

This presentation will show common product outsourcing pitfalls challenging OEM's in selecting outsourcing partners and how fact-based analysis can lead to better decision making. I will begin by describing the underlying causes for poor or sub-optimal decision making and the importance of establishing a comprehensive decision-making framework upfront in the assessment process. Examples of fact-based analysis will include quality benchmark comparisons of major EMS sites in Mexico and Asia, business insolvency risk assessments, due-diligence methods for measuring and comparing service levels. To illustrate, I will use examples from recent outsourcing strategy engagement work (disguised names) for telecom PCBA’s, medical diagnostic systems and cellular telephones.

Bullet of presentation topics

·         Outsourcing Pitfalls

·         Search & Selection Issues

·         Contract Manufacturer Assessment Framework

·         Cost Modeling & Landed Cost Analysis

·         On-Site Survey Dashboard

·         Quality Benchmarking of EMS Sites

·         Business Risk Assessment